Donegal libraries will continue to offer ETB Digital Hub services

The Library Service in Donegal has confirmed that they will continue to offer digital hubs this year in conjunction with the county’s ETB.

Tutors will be on hand to help people with their devices and offer advice about getting online and accessing digital services.

The service will be available on Tuesday afternoons at the Central Library in Letterkenny, Tuesday mornings in Bundoran and Thursday afternoons in Carndonagh.

There will also be a hub on the last Thursday morning of the month in Buncrana Library.


Council release in full –

Donegal Education and Training Board’s Digital Hubs in libraries

The Library Service is delighted to announce that Donegal ETB Digital Hubs will continue in 2024.

The Library Service has partnered with the Donegal ETB’s Further Education and Training Service to deliver Digital Hubs in libraries.  The Digital Hub is a free service where you can receive support for all your digital needs. The Digital Hubs are available in the following libraries:

Tuesdays in Central Library, Letterkenny from 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Tuesdays in Bundoran Library from 10:00am – 12:00pm

Thursdays in Carndonagh Library from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

The last Thursday of the month in Buncrana Library from 9:30am – 12:30pm

Speaking about the hubs, Senior Librarian, Donna Cavanagh said ‘We are delighted to be partnering with DonegaL ETB to deliver these digital skills sessions. Public Libraries have a pivotal role in supporting people to meet their digital literacy needs, whether that be help with filling out online forms, sending emails or trying to keep in touch with family through social media.  Our libraries are trusted welcoming spaces ideal for informal learning.’ 

So, if you always wanted to know how to use a laptop or tablet. Maybe you need help with school apps or your mobile phone or help with filling out online forms.  If so, your local library is the place to go. There is no need to book, just drop into any of the libraries listed above during the times specified. Feel free to bring your device with you or you can use the device provided by the tutor.

Further information is available at your local library or at
