Services update for Derry City and Strabane District Council


Derry City and Strabane District Council is advising the public that the ongoing severe weather conditions continues to impact on some of our services today, Friday, 19 January.


Refuse Services

While our early morning refuse collection services were suspended we are pleased to advise that they have resumed and our teams will be out in areas that can be safely accessed.


We continue to advise householders to leave out their bins out as normal and our teams will endeavour to service them when it is safe to do so over the coming days. We will have crews out on Saturday and next week in an effort to catch up on collections that have been missed. Please be patient.



All of our Cemeteries remain closed to the public and will open to facilitate funerals only.  Opening arrangements will be reviewed as conditions improve and safe for public access.


Recycling Centres

The public are advised to expect some disruption to Recycling Centres across the Council area today. All our centres with the exception of Donemana, Plumbridge and Park are currently open. Please use these facilities with extreme caution.


Bulky Waste Collection

Our bulky waste service is not operational and residents that have collections booked will be contacted to rearrange.


Street cleansing

Early morning streetscape operations at 6am were postponed and will commence once it is deemed safe.



In the interests of health and safety all Council grass pitches are closed today and will remain closed this weekend due to the poor weather conditions. User groups are being contacted directly. In terms of our outdoor sports facilities and courts these are subject to regular inspections and again user groups will be contacted directly.


Parks and greenways

While the majority of Council parks, greenways and play areas are open, the public are asked to note that the pathways will be slippy and caution must be taken by users. Some of the Council play parks which are locked overnight will only open when it is safe to do so.


Leisure Centres

While all of our Leisure centres will remain open, users are asked to check with their centre directly in relation to specific classes and events.


Community Centres

The current status in relation to our Community Centre provision is stated below –


COCM facilities Facilities update for Friday 19th
Ballymagroarty MUGA Closed due to weather conditions
Bishop Street Community Centre Contact the Centre for Opening times
Carnhill Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Central Drive Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Clady Community Hall Closed due to weather conditions
Fanad Drive Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Galliagh Community Center Closed due to weather conditions
Glebe Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Glenview Community Centre Open as normal
Irish St Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Kildrum Gardens Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Lettershandoney Community Centre Closed due to weather conditions
Lincoln Courts Community Centre Open  9am to 1pm
Oakland Park CC & Pavilion Closed due to weather conditions
Shantallow Community Centre Open as Normal
Springhill Closed due to weather conditions
Top of The Hill Community Centre Open as Normal
Tullyally Community Centre Open 10am to 12pm
Victoria Bridge CC Closed

Updates on any services affected will be provided on the Council’s social media platforms or on the website at –
