60 power faults remain in Donegal after Storm Isha


Over 60 power outages remain in Donegal today in the wake of Storm Isha, and as the country braces itself for storm Jocelyn.

Met Éireann has issued Status Orange wind warnings for Donegal, Galway and Mayo from 6pm this evening.

The rest of the country will be subject to a yellow alert.

ESB crews are still working to restore power to around 57,000 homes and businesses cut-off across Ireland.

In Donegal, power restorations will be carried out today and tomorrow, with the longest estimated repair time scheduled for Thursday – for around 800 premises.

178,000 homes, businesses and farms have been reconnected since yesterday, but Brian Tapley from ESB networks says there’s still a lot of work for their repair crews to do:

Check your power status HERE.
