Donegal developer says social housing opportunities are being lost in the county

Social housing opportunities are being lost according to a Donegal developer, who says he plans to concentrate his efforts on Northern Ireland after his experience with a proposed social housing development which he built in Milford.

PJ Doherty began work on the 17 home Lough Fern development in 2019 on the understanding that Donegal County Council would buy the houses under a turnkey arrangement.

He said there was an agreement, but no contracts were signed, and the council withdrew from the deal when the effects of Covid on the construction sector pushed up prices.

He subsequently reached an agreement with the Cooperative Housing Ireland group for them to , but says the indications are the council will not supporting that deal.

During a lengthy interview on today’s Nine til Noon Show, PJ Doherty told Greg Hughes there are other potential developments in the same situation………..

You can hear the full conversation here –
