Public urged to have their say on Letterkenny Active Travel Project

People in Letterkenny are being urged to have their say on the town’s Active Travel Project.

A public information event is being held this Monday.

Donegal County Council is seeking to establish high quality continuous footway and cycleway routes in Letterkenny, to promote active travel journeys from residential areas to key education, employment, commercial, recreational, retail and tourist destinations.

It’s proposed a shared walking and cycling facility be developed along the Convent Road while plans for the Kilmacrennan Road include the establishment of a new segregated cycling facility.

Both schemes are currently at planning stage.

Donegal County Council is inviting members of the public and interested parties to have their say on the proposals.

The public information event takes place at the Letterkenny Public Service Centre on Monday between 3pm and 7pm.

Plans are also available for viewing online.

The closing date for submissions is 4pm on Friday February 9th.
