Over 70 vacant social homes in Donegal brought back into use in 2023

Just over 70 vacant social homes were brought back into use in Donegal under the Voids Programme last year.

The programme supports local authorities in preparing vacant properties for re-letting as part of ongoing work to tackle vacancy and dereliction.

2,481 vacant social homes were brought back into active use in 2023 under the Voids Programme, 73 of them in Donegal.

€897,244 was paid out to Donegal County Council under the Voids Funding Programme last year.

Over the past nine years, a total of 1,074 vacant social properties were brought back into use in Donegal.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien says refurbishment and the return to use of vacant properties helps to reduce pressure on existing housing stock, increase supply, and ultimately, provide much needed homes for people.
