Safeguarding concerns raised in HIQA report into Gweedore nursing unit

A number of issues at a dementia-specific unit in Gweedore have been reported by HIQA.

A recent safeguarding concern raised by the family of a resident was highlighted by the safe guarding body.

Of the 13 regulations inspected at Aras Gweedore, Meenaniller, 2 were compliant, 8 were substantially compliant and 3 not compliant.

Inspectors say a significant focus is required to strengthen the leadership arrangements in the centre to ensure a safe and effective service is delivered.

Some family members expressed dissatisfaction with the care and with staff communication while the oversight of safeguarding incidents was found to not be robust and did not ensure that a recent safeguarding concern raised by a family member was responded to in line with the requirements of the regulation and the centre’s own safeguarding procedures.

The report states that the provider had not taken all reasonable precautions to protect residents from abuse.

The centre has since introduced a new auditing system and complaints policy.

Link to full report 
