Podcast Thursday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon is broadcast live weekdays from 9am to 12noon. Here you can listen back to a Podcast of Thursday’s show:

We chat to a listener whose mother was left behind in Monaghan by Bus Eireann after she got off for a toilet break, other listeners were also on the bus and add further context – we are also joined by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar who is campaigning for a Yes/Yes in March’s referenda:

The public is being asked to take part in a study to examine the links between psoriasis and arthritis, later we mark 40 years of the Twin Towns branch of Concern with Concern’s CEO in studio:

We have ‘Dear Greg’…’ with Keeley, listener Sarah gets a great response to her suggestions on improving politics and there’s reaction to opt-out organ donation becoming closer to reality:
