HSE says physiotherapy will still be available in St Joseph’s Hospital for in-patients

St Joseph's Community Hospital, Stranorlar

The HSE says physiotherapy is still being provided for patients at St Joseph’s Hospital, and the facility can still accept discharges from Letterkenny University Hospital.

Earlier this week, it emerged that to facilitate essential fire upgrade works, primary care physiotherapy appointments were being moved out of St Joseph’s from this coming Monday.

Yesterday, local GP Dr Dennis McCauley said if physiotherapy services were not available for patients in the hospital, then he couldn’t see it functioning as a safe step down option from LUH.

In a statement last night, the HSE said in order to complete the fire safety works there was a requirement for patients to be relocated within the hospital, and the most suitable area identified was the Primary Care Physiotherapy department, formerly known as Drogheda Ward.

Primary care physiotherapy appointmnents are now being provided in Lifford and Donegal Town, but the HSE is stressiong that physipotherapy services for in-patioenmts contoinue to be provided in St Joseph’s.

The statement says this ensures that existing patients in the hospital are catered for and will not be disturbed by the works, and also ensures that bed numbers can be retained to facilitate short-stay admissions from the acute sector.

This, the HSE says will ensure that the continuity of hospital discharges and patient flow from Letterkenny University Hospital are maintained.

The statement confirms that in the longer term work is ongoing to secure suitable appropriate accommodation in the Finn Valley area to enable Primary Care Physiotherapy Services to be restored to the local area as soon as possible.


Statement in full –

HSE Media statement

Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo 

Physiotherapy Services St Joseph’s Hospital, Stranorlar

Following an inspection undertaken by HIQA essential fire upgrade works were identified that needed to be completed within a specified timeframe to ensure that HIQA requirements are met and the hospital remains fully operational.  

In order to complete these works there was a requirement for patients to be relocated within the hospital the most suitable area identified was the Primary Care Physiotherapy department (formerly known as Drogheda Ward).  This ensures that existing patients in the hospital are catered for and will not be disturbed by the works.  In addition it ensures that bed numbers can be retained to facilitate short-stay admissions from the acute sector and to ensure that the continuity of hospital discharges and patient flow from Letterkenny University Hospital are maintained.

To facilitate this Primary Care Physiotherapy will relocate to alternative accommodation with immediate effect as an interim solution.

From Monday, 26th February 2024, Primary Care Physiotherapy Services will be delivered from

  • Donegal Town Community Hospital (for patients residing in Altapaste, Cloghan, Cappry, Goland, Knock & Stranorlar ED areas)
  • Lifford Community Hospital (for patients residing in Convoy, Gleneely, Killygordon and Drumkeen ED areas)

From Tuesday 27th February 2024, please contact 074 974 0623 to speak to a Physiotherapist.

Occupational Therapy Services are a home based service and will not be affected by this move.

The services have communicated with affected service users advising on which centre to attend for appointment and notified all other stakeholders of the relocation.

Physiotherapy Services will continue to be provided in the hospital.

In the longer term work is ongoing to secure suitable appropriate accommodation in the Finn Valley area to enable Primary Care Physiotherapy Services to be restored to the local area as soon as possible.

The HSE wishes to confirm that as part of its overall service delivery plan and in the best interests for service users in the longer term Primary Care Services including physiotherapy services will be provided from Finn Valley area in accordance with patient’s needs.

Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused as a result these upgrade works.

