Defective concrete block campaign groups band together ahead of elections this year

The three major defective concrete block campaign groups in Donegal have teamed together in a bid to publish ‘The People’s Document’.

100% Redress No Less, the Redress Focus Groups and the Mica Action Group say that ahead of the local, general and European elections, defective block homeowners should attend a meeting that to have their say on what a true 100% redress scheme looks like.

The meeting will present the document to homeowners in An Grianan Hotel in Burt on Monday the 4th of March.

Chairperson of MAG, Lisa Hone, says once finalised, the document will be sent to every politician:

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With an important election year ahead, homeowners affected by the Defective Concrete Crisis are being urged by Donegal campaign groups to attend an important meeting on 4th March 2024, 7pm at the An Grianan Hotel, Burt to have their say on what a true 100% Redress Scheme looks like.
With a focus on the next 12 months, when voters will have a 1 in 5 year opportunity to vote in 3 elections (General Election, Local Council Elections and MEP Elections) campaigners across Donegal have come together to work on a joint initiative to define a true 100% Redress Scheme.

100% Redress represented by Paddy Diver/Lisa Doherty, MAG represented by Lisa Hone/Tricia Sullivan, Redress Focus Groups represented by Roisin Gallagher and well known campaigner Michael Doherty have been formulating a document which articulates the key principles of a true 100% Redress Scheme.

Paddy Diver 100% Redress states, “Both Fianna Fail and Fine Gael had their chance to get this scheme right and they blew it. The campaign is still working hard for change and over the next twelve months, all politicians will have to account for their actions on the doorstep and at the ballot box, locally and nationally. This is a call out to all affected homeowners to come to the meeting next Monday to give their input on how they see a true 100% Redress Scheme working and be part of agreeing a document which will send a very clear message to politicians.”

Campaigner Michael Doherty, states, “Over the last few years, during the battle for a workable scheme, opposition politicians are on the record with their support for a real 100% Redress Scheme. Should there be a change of Government in the next twelve months, it will be time to honour their pledges and deliver. With that in mind, it is crucial to have clarity from all affected on exactly what a true 100% Redress looks like. Over the last few months we have been working to set out the principles of a real 100% Redress Scheme. We now have a working document which
we want to bring to the people to get their feedback. This is vital as the aim is to create The Peoples’ Document – The Definition of a True 100% Redress agreed by the people affected.”

At the meeting on the 4th March the group will present the detail behind 4 principles of 100% Redress – the 4P’s:

1. Property
Rebuilt ‘like for like’ to current standards.

2. Process
End to end scheme administered by the State, at no cost to the homeowner, with an opt out for those that prefer to build themselves.

3. People and Support
No one left behind – prioritisation yes, exclusion no.

Proper and timely supports for those affected, with particular attention to those who have additional needs.

4. Prevention
Never allowed to happen again through the implementation of meaningful regulatory governance and a public enquiry to hold those responsible to account.

Following the meeting, feedback gathered will be incorporated into the document to create The Peoples’ Document – The Definition of a True 100% Redress.

The Peoples’ Document will then be sent to every political party and politician for their response.

A follow up public meeting is planned for the 26th March where elected representatives will get the opportunity to address affected homeowners directly with their response to the Peoples’ Document.

Roisin Gallagher, Redress Focus Groups states “This cross-campaign group has been working hard over the last few months to lay down the principles of an inclusive, true and fair 100% Redress Scheme. Nobody knows what is needed to truly resolve this crisis better than the homeowners themselves, so the opportunities from an election year must be seized. By setting out exactly what is needed, sends an unequivocal message to politicians of what is acceptable. This is an opportunity for homeowners to challenge politicians to do the right thing and exercise the power of the ballot box to take back control of our own fate, no longer leaving it in the hands of others who clearly do not have the best
interests of us, our children, our communities and futures at heart.”

Lisa Hone, Chair of MAG states “Government’s failure to listen and do the work required has resulted in a scheme that is clearly not 100% Redress, ignores rigorous peer-reviewed science and leaves people behind. We continue to work hard to try to fix the flaws, but the reality is the scheme will never be right until it is a true 100% Redress which enables everyone affected to escape this scourge. The politicians’ response to the Peoples’ Document will reveal very clearly where this issue sits in their priorities and whether they deserve your vote. The message to all impacted by the Defective Concrete Crisis is there has never been a more important time to be involved and ensure you are registered to vote. Your voice is your vote.”
