Gardaí warn of door-to-door tarmac scam

Gardaí are warning the public of a door-to-door scam that has is ongoing in the county.

It involves a man claiming to be a builder who has left over tarmac from a contract and offers work on the driveway at a low cost.

People are urged to not agree to have work done, share any personal details and to let elderly or vulnerable people know of the following details.

The material used in this scam is usually gravel chippings covered with engine oil or not the right depth and type of materials to form a lasting road surface.

The conmen may target elderly, vulnerable residents and claim to be official contractors working on roadworks to add credibility.

They often increase the cost during the course of the work claiming that the job has required more material than expected and they may then start to issue threats.

Gardaí say to be vigilant and to report any callers who are offering to lay tarmac, to not open the door to unknown people and to use a chain lock for extra security

They say there has been numerous calls in relation to men calling door to door in an orange coloured lorry and a silver Landcruiser at various locations in Donegal, most recently in Churchill.
