HIQA publish report following Donegal care centre inspection

HIQA have today published a report following an announced inspection of Saimer View Community Group Home in February.

There were five residence present at the time.

Of the sixteen regulations inspected, one was found to be non compliant in the area of fire precautions and two were found to be substantially compliant in the areas of staffing and governance and management.

The report noted the that there was a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere in the centre.

The report in full can be read HERE.

HSE Statement:

Saimer View Community Group Home is a designated centre that provides both shared and full-time residential care and support to five adults with a disability.  Saimer View is located on the outskirts of a rural town, with the residents having access to centre transport to enable them to access activities of their choice.  Each resident has their own bedroom in addition to communal facilities such as kitchen/dining rooms, sitting rooms, and bathroom and laundry facilities.  Residents at the centre are supported by a team of health care assistants with a Person in Charge.

The Health Information & Quality Authority (HIQA) undertook an announced inspection at Saimer View designated centre on the 12th of February 2024 to inform a registration renewal application. The report was published on the HIQA website on May 15th 2024.

On the day of inspection, the inspector noted that residents in the Saimer View centre are in receipt of a good quality service.  It was also noted by the HIQA inspector that the service has promoted residents’ rights and respects residents’ choices.

Sixteen regulations were inspected on the day of inspection. Thirteen regulations received a fully compliant judgement, two regulations received a substantially compliant judgement and one regulation was deemed not compliant.   The following actions have been undertaken to address matters which resulted in the centre obtaining substantial and not compliant judgments:

  • A 0.5 Whole Time Equivalent nurse has been appointed to the centre.
  • Fire related maintenance works have been completed and the audit of the centre’s fire system has been revised and updated.
  • The Person in Charge along with the Registered Provider for the centre has reviewed the Service Level Agreement with the Parents and Friends Approved Housing Body. A meeting with the Approved Housing Body took place on the 11/03/2024 to plan for the replacement of all fire doors at the centre.
  • All staff have completed mandatory fire training.
  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are in place for all residents to ensure a safe evacuation process.

HSE Disability Services in Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo will continue to work to ensure that robust governance, quality and safety arrangements are in place within the centre to ensure high quality services are provided to all residents.

