Almost €100,000 allocated to Donegal biodiversity projects

Almost €100,000 has been allocated to Donegal in funding announced today for local biodiversity projects.

It from a national allocation of €2.8 million.

Seven initiatives will be funded in county Donegal.

The largest sum of over €41,000 was awarded to the maintenance of predator exclusion fences.

This was followed by €23,827 which was allocated to the Donegal wetlands field survey 2024.

A project titled ‘Putting Donegal Biodiversity on the Map’ was given over €12,000 and €8,500 was assigned to updating the Donegal species audit.

Meanwhile, €2,550 was pledged in support of a publication entitled ‘Birds of Donegal’ and €1,289 was allocated to establishing the conservation status of the Irish mayfly.

In making the announcement, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD said that by working with local authorities and making change in communities on the ground the aims can be achieved of the National Biodiversity Action Plan.

Donegal Allocations:
