Brendan Devenney’s charity ball raises €17,000 for three charities

Brendan Devenney who raised €17,000 through his second charity ball in November, pictured with his sisters, Arlene and Maria. Also included are Aidan Cannon, organising committee, Conor McEniff, Mount Errigal Hotel, and Alan Foley, organising committee.

The second “DV Charity Ball” held by former Donegal footballer and Highland Presenter Brendan Devenney, in November raised €17,000 for three charity organisations.

The proceeds of the fundraiser will go to Plan International, Donegal Hospice and Epilepsy Ireland.

Extending his thanks to everyone who supported the event, Brendan said: “I am extremely grateful to all those who were so kind and generous with their time, money, and sponsorship. I held the first charity ball in 2021 which raised €24,000, and I decided to organise a second at the end of last year. So, we’ve managed to raise €41,000 for charity and I have been blown away by the goodness of people.”

“On the back of the success of the first ball in 2021, Plan was able to sponsor 21 children and make a real and lasting difference to their lives. And I’m delighted that we are still carrying on that good work.

“We had a great night’s crack in the Mount Errigal Hotel at the ball and I’m thrilled that we raised another significant sum for three worthy causes. During my trip to Togo last year, I saw first-hand the great work that Plan International does,” the GAA pundit added.

Plan International work tirelessly on girls’ rights and equality in the most disadvantaged and marginalised communities and regions of the world. Plan also facilitates the sponsoring boys and girls to give them education, a future with hope and at the same time helping their entire community.

“I started helping with Plan in 2018 by sponsoring children myself and then I wanted to help the charity itself in some way. I’d fast a day and sponsor a child and showed ways of how €22 could be saved in a month and used to sponsor a child,” Brendan commented.

“Closer to home, Donegal Hospice and Epilepsy Ireland continue to do such fantastic work and I am glad that they are benefitting from the ball, too,” he added.
