Donegal properties searched in relation to international drug trafficking investigation

Over 70 personnel were involved in 23 searches across Donegal and Dublin West carried out by the Criminal Assets Bureau, with the support of Gardaí from Milford District, Donegal Division, the Regional Armed Support Unit, the Customs Dog Unit and members of the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau.
Dwellings and business premises were searched as part of an investigation into the assets of people who are suspected of being involved in drug trafficking on an international scale.
The CAB says this Organised Criminal Gang (OCG) operates across this jurisdiction and has extensive links to Co. Donegal and North Dublin as well as Scotland, Spain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Today, the following items were seized or frozen:
1. 2023 Reg. Volvo XC90.
2. Circa €73,000 in a bank account.
3. Electronic Devices.
4. Financial Documents.