Gardai investigating vandalism incidents in Doochary and St Johnston

There’s been another incident of vandalism of a tourism sign in Doochary.

Gardaí are investigating reports that between 11.30 and midnight, a tourist information sign at the Corkscrew Hill was pulled out of the ground and broken, and a number of wooden planter boxes were turned over and the plants discarded.

Anyone with information or dashcam footage is being urged to come forward.

Meanwhile, Gardaí want to speak to a number of youths after are investigating an incident in which an agricultural shed was broken into and damaged in St Johnston just before 6.30 on Tuesday evening last.

Sgt Eunan Walsh made this appeal for information during the Community Garda Slot on Today’s Nine til Noon Show……………


More details –

Gardaí are investigating a burglary that
occurred in the area of Milltown, St. Johnston
on Tuesday the 21 st of May shortly before
6.20pm. Damage was caused to the door of
an agricultural shed in that area and entry
was gained. A small amount of criminal
damage/vandalism was caused within the
shed. We appeal to anybody who may have

travelled in that area around that time with a
dash cam to make the footage available to
Gardaí. We are particularly interested in any
sightings of five youths in the area around
that time. If anybody can assist with relevant
information, we ask them to contact
Letterkenny Gardaí on 074-9167100. We also
ask parents/guardians to please speak to their
youths in relation to the consequences of
criminal behaviour and the impact that these
consequences could have on their future. If
any of the young people involved hear this
appeal then we urge them to come forward to
speak with Gardaí.

– Gardaí are investigating an incident of
criminal damage that is believed to have
occurred at the Corkscrew Hill in Doochary on
Friday the 24 th of May between approx.
11.40pm and 11.50pm. The tourist

information sign at that location was pulled
out of the ground and broken and a number
of wooden planter boxes were turned over
and the plants discarded. We appeal to
anybody who may have travelled in that area
between 11.30pm and Midnight on that date
with a dash cam to make contact with Gardaí
in Milford on 074-9153060. If anybody can
assist with relevant information we ask them
to please get in touch with us.
