Minister urged to commission a pollock study in North West waters

A Glenties Councillor has written to the Minister for the Marine in relation to the ongoing ban on fishing pollock.

Previously, Minister Charlie McConalogue indicated the ban is in place following scientific advice due to a reduction in pollock stocks.

Cllr. Micheal Choilm MacGiolla Easbuig says this is based on a recent survey taken by two boats off Dingle, Co. Kerry.

In his letter he asked the Minister for a more comprehensive and localised study…………..

Text of letter –

Dear Minister McConalogue, 

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the recent pollock fishery ban in Ireland, and its significant impact on our coastal communities.
A survey on pollock stocks was recently conducted by two boats in the southwest waters near the Leathinis an Daingin. However, there was no survey on the west coast. In my opinion, this does not provide an accurate reflection of the stock levels along the entire coastline of Ireland.
The effect of this ban on rural coastal inshore communities is substantial. This summer and early autumn fishery, which uses hook and line, causes minimal damage to stocks and erosion of the seabed. In Dún nanGall, ó Málainn along the west coast and our islands, we rely on pollock fishing during the summer months, which alleviates pressure on crab and lobster stocks. These stocks are already under serious pressure due to the collapse of crab markets in France and Spain, as highlighted by RTÉ News last week.
It is crucial that the authorities consider the pollock ban based on a comprehensive survey of Irish waters, not just a specific area. While we respect scientific evidence, the current survey does not reflect the overall state of this fishery. It is not effective to close one fishery only to cause the collapse of another. This issue needs urgent attention at both national and European levels.
I urge you to re-evaluate the ban with a more comprehensive approach that includes the entire coastline of Ireland. The livelihoods of many in our community depend on a balanced and well-informed decision.
Best regards,
Clr Micheál Choilm Mac Giolla Easbuig 
Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall

