Councillor Niamh Kennedy becomes fourth female Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council

Independent Councillor Niamh Kennedy has been elected as the new Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council.

She replaces outgoing Cathaoirleach Martin Harley.

The election of Cllr Kennedy was proposed by Cllr Pauric McGarvey and seconded by Cllr Martin Farren.

Cllr Tomas Sean Devine of the 100% Redress was proposed to take on the role by Councillor Frank McBrearty and was seconded by Cllr Micheal Choilm Mac Giolla Easbuig.

Cllr Kennedy received 27 votes while Cllr Devine received 9.

The Progressive Independent Group, comprising of Cllrs Michael McBride, Micheal Choilm MacGiolla Easbuig, Declan Meehan and Jimmy Brogan voted against Cllr Niamh Kennedy as Cathaoirleach as did the 100% Redress party and Councillor Frank McBrearty.

Councillor Niamh Kennedy says she is proud to be the 4th woman in 125 years to be the Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council.

Leas Cathaoirleach Jimmy Kavanagh says he looks forward to working with the Cathaoirleach for the betterment of the county over the next year
