Future of Fahan Health Centre brought into question again

The future of Fahan Health Centre again is being brought into question.

According to Carmel Lynch, a woman to previously organised a petition to see Public Health Nurse stay in place, the building is now empty and there is no access to the dispensary.

The HSE has rejected this and release a statement outlining that there are no plans to remove the service and that they are in place, however due to the domicile nature of the work the nurse is doing home visits to suit the needs of patients.

Carmel says the wool is being pulled over the eyes of the public:

HSE Response:

2nd July 2024

There are no plans to move the Public Health Nursing (PHN) service from Fahan Health Centre and PHN services continue to be provided at the centre.

The PHN works out of Fahan Health Centre from Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. Given that community health nursing is predominately a domiciliary service, the nurse will not always be available at the health centre. Appointments are scheduled in advance for the nurse depending on the patient’s needs.

The PHN service will continue to have a nurse providing a service to all in Fahan and the surrounding areas.

Those who wish to contact Fahan Health centre can do so on the following number: Tel: 074 9331597. The phone is not manned as PHN is out in the community, therefore please leave a message and we will follow up with you directly.
