HIQA publish three reports on centres for older people in Donegal

HIQA has published 50 inspection reports on residential centres for older people, three of which are based in Donegal.

Larissa Lodge Nursing Home in Letterkenny recorded no non-compliances, Aras Ghaoth Dobhair recorded one non compliance while Aras Ui Dhomhnaill Nursing Home in Milford was found non compliant in the two regulations which it was examined on.

Larissa Lodge Nursing Home had 48 residents present for the inspection in March.

The service was found to be complaint in ten regulations and substantially compliant in the remaining five which were training and staff development, governance and management, records, infection control, individual assessment and care plan and fire precautions.

The inspector noted that there is a commitment to excellence within the nursing home.

Aras Ghaoth Dobhair had 38 residents in situ during its April inspection.

There were five compliances noted, nine regulations were marked as substantially compliant and a non compliance was given in the area of residents rights.

Residents told the inspectors that the food was of good quality and that staff treated them with respect.

Finally, Aras Ui Dhomhnaill Nursing Home was inspected in March, when 48 residents were present.

They were assessed on two regulations for which they received non compliances.

These were in governance and management and fire precautions.

The inspector said that staff were being very attentive and respectful to residents and the building had pleasant atmosphere.

Management have outlined the measures they are taking to address the issues identified.
