HSE appealing to people to stay safe over Bank Holiday weekend

The HSE is appealing to people to to stay safe over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

They are encouraging the public to make themselves aware of what healthcare options are available.

Tony Canavan, Regional Executive Officer HSE West and North West says Bank Holiday weekends tend to see a high number of people attending EDs.

He expects this weekend to be no different but says plans are in place to deal with the increased demand.

People are advised that Emergency Departments are for life threatening emergencies and patients who attend for routine and non-urgent treatment may experience a long wait time.

The HSE says additional staff will be working in GP practices over the long weekend to deal with demand therefore, should you urgently require the services of the GP you should contact the out-of-hours service.

Anyone who is feeling unwell and displaying symptoms of respiratory illness, vomiting or diarrhoea is asked to postpone visiting a healthcare setting.

Further information is available on hse.ie.
