HIQA notes improvements at Lifford centre but highlights need for ongoing work

A recent inspection has found that overall improvements were evident at The Rehab Group, Lifford but ongoing work was required.

An unannounced inspection was carried out at the centre which provides full-time residential care and supports for adults with intellectual disability, in June.

The report, published today noted that the centre had experienced challenges however, the provider had taken action to address these.

One example given was that there was an increase in safeguarding concerns upon admittance of a new resident. The provider however, completed a compatibility assessment and ensured a range of positive behaviour supports were in place.

The centre was found to be mostly compliant.

One regulation was substantially compliant with ongoing work needed in relation to the governance, management and oversight of the service in order to provide consistency of support to the staff team and sustain the improvements found in the service.

You can view the full report here
