McConalogue hits back on SF DCB scheme claims

Agriculture and Marine Minister Charlie McConalogue has hit back at Sinn Fein Deputy Padraig MacLochlainn over the issue of defective concrete blocks.

In the Dail this week, Deputy MacLochlainn lambasted the allocation of €70 million for the remediation of homes in 2025, under the defective concrete block grant scheme and the defective apartment redress scheme.

Addressing Minister McConalogue during the debate, Deputy MacLochlainn told him that the scheme will not deliver redress for the thousands of affected homeowners.

However, Minister McConalogue says the government is committed to the scheme, and cabinet will shortly be agreeing increases in the rate and square footage, which he is hopeful will be applied retrospectively.

He says this is in sharp contrast to what is happening North of the border……………
