Record numbers attending ED at LUH

Saolta says the Emergency Department at Letterkenny University Hospital has been extremely busy over the past few days with high numbers of people attending. On Monday of this week 209 patients attended the Emergency Department, one of the highest attendances ever recorded there.

Yesterday, the figure was 155, while at the moment, there are 38 patients in the ED with 16 patients waiting to be admitted.

There are currently 10 COVID-19 positive patients being treated at LUH with one ward in outbreak.

Visiting restrictions are in place on affected wards, and all visitors are being urged to be cautious and practice good hand hygiene.

Saolta continue to request that people consider other options for non-emergency care such as Out of Hours GP and pharmacies before attending an ED.


Statement in full –

Media Statement
Letterkenny University Hospital is very busy with long wait times at the Emergency Department
24 October 2024

The Emergency Department (ED) at Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) has been extremely busy over the past few days with high numbers of people attending. On Monday of this week 209 patients attended the Emergency Department, one of the highest attendances recorded in LUH. Yesterday, Wednesday 23 September, 155 people attended at the Emergency Department and the hospital is seeing similar high attendances today. There are currently 38 patients in the Emergency Department with 16 patients waiting to be admitted. There are currently 10 COVID-19 positive patients being treated at LUH with one ward in outbreak. Where a ward is affected by COVID-19 visiting is limited and all visits must be pre-arranged by the family members / nominated visitor, who should contact the relevant ward or unit in advance. 

All available beds in the hospital are in use. Patients are facing long waiting times to be admitted from the Emergency Department to a bed on a ward. Every effort is being made to discharge patients who are ready to go home so that beds will become available for patients who need to be admitted, at the earliest opportunity.

We are committed to treating everyone who presents at the ED but we do so strictly in order of medical priority. The hospital acknowledges that these delays are very difficult for patients and their families and apologises for the inconvenience and distress these delays cause.


We continue to request that people consider other options for non-emergency care such as Out of Hours GP and pharmacies before attending an ED.

Please do not visit the hospital if you have any Respiratory symptoms or have had contact with someone who has COVID-19.

All visitors to the hospital will be required to practice good hand hygiene and use hand gel regularly, face masks are available for use throughout the hospital.

Keeping up to date with your vaccines is the most important thing you can do to avoid serious COVID-19 illness. Find out more here.
