People urged to “use your brain and not your fists” when out socialising

People are being encouraged to “use your brain and not your fists” when out socialising this week.

Gardaí are also urging victims of assaults to come forward.

An Garda Síochána say an assault can ruin your future, but also wreck the life of the victim.

They are urging people to

  • Never attempt to reason with drunk or aggressive people. Walk away and look for help.
  • Be streetwise when you’re out and about. Planning is key to having a good night out. How are you getting there and back? Let someone know where you are going and when you’ll be back.
  • Avoid walking alone and in dark places. Be wary of your surroundings and mind your property.

It has been found that some victims of assaults, especially men, are embarrassed to say they have been assaulted.

Gardaí would encourage anybody, in particular younger men, to report all assaults to them.
