Proposed developer of Creeslough shop site submits further information to Council


The proposed developer of the site of the Creeslough explosion has responded to Donegal County Council’s request for further clarification.

Vivo Shell Limited has submitted significant further information and revised plans to their planning application to redevelop the site where 10 people lost their lives in an explosion over two years ago.

Donegal County Council in October last, requested further clarification from Vivo Shell Limited as the planning application did not comply with what it was seeking. The Area Roads Engineer sought a relocation of the proposed loading area from its location on the N56 to within the extents of the site area.

The TII also raised issues with the proposed redevelopment as it varied from official policy in relation to the control of development on/ affecting national roads.

A revised site layout and Road Safety Audit was submitted to the Council on December 10th which makes provision for the loading bay to be located within the site boundary on the shop forecourt.

A Council Engineer has indicated that the new proposed location of the loading bay is satisfactory from the road service point of view.

The developer is seeking planning permission to demolition the existing building and erect a new shop which will include a post office and off-licence.

The proposed works also include a space for a Memorial Garden.
