Podcast – Friday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine Til Noon  is broadcast live each weekday between 9am to 12noon. You can listen back to a podcast of the latest Friday edition below!

Our Friday Panel is former Garda SGT Christie Galligan, campaigner Emma Govha and businessman Leonard Watson – topics include the make-up of the new Government and its commitments for the next 5 years and irresponsible dog owners:

And we were live from An Grianan Theatre for the launch of a national initiative to reduce and prevent alcohol harm in communities. Letterkenny is  the first of 12 locations where the initiative will be rolled out.

Community-led steering groups, with the help of multiple State agencies, will provide targeted interventions in their respective areas.

‘Building Safer Communities’ is initiative devised by the World Health Organization and we hear from a number of people and agencies locally involved in the rollout: 

