Motion of no confidence in Housing Minister fails at Letterkenny Milford MD

Councillor Michael McBride’s motion of no confidence in Minister Darragh O’Brien has failed to get the backing of Councillors in the Letterkenny Milford Municipal District.

A counter motion moved by Fianna Fail Cllr Ciaran Brogan was accepted in its place.

Moving the motion, Cllr Michael McBride said he was doing so on behalf of the people of Donegal.

He said Darragh O’Brien has not met with their public representatives, and the fact that the defective block scheme regulations have been delayed again is indicative of the failure of Minister O’Brien. On the general issue of housing, Cllr McBride said Donegal is living on promises, and he highlighted the fact that Letterkenny Chamber raised recruitment issues in Donegal because of the housing crisis while on a visit to Dail Eireann.

He concluded that the current policy is not working, and change is needed.

The motion was seconded by Cllr Gerry McMonagle.

Opposing it, Fianna Fail Cllr Ciaran Brogan said councillors have met with the minister, and the delay in the scheme is because of concerns raised at that meeting by members of council and Minister Charlie McConalogue.

He said it’s important that a message of hope goes out. The motion may get a headline, he said, but isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. He stressed that two of the biggest land banks ever purchased in Letterkenny for housing were bought in the past few weeks.

Cllr Brogan proposed a counter motion that the council has confidence that the minister will continue to work with the council.

When the issue went to a vote, the counter proposal was accepted by 7 vote to 2, and the motion of no confidence in Minister O’Brien fell.
