Understaffing in Letterkenny Physiotherapy Department unfair on patients and staff – Cllr Meehan


*Update – The HSE has responded with the following statement –

” The HSE wish to advise that the Letterkenny Community Physiotherapy Department continues to operate below capacity. The HSE continue to prioritise referrals based on clinical need. GP colleagues have been advised of the current situation which will result in increased wait times to access services.

Backfill of vacancies will continue within the Pay & Number’s Strategy issued earlier this year. At this time work is ongoing in relation to the prioritisation of recruitment in order to respond to the needs of the population.

The HSE continues to provide a high quality service and apologises for any disruption to service and increased wait times for clients and GP’s”.


The Letterkenny Physiotherapy Department is currently operating with only 40% of the staff required.

While there should be five posts filled, that figure currently sits at two, with no indication of the remaining being filled in the short-term future.

The news comes as a letter has been sent to GPs outlining the pressure the service is under.

In the letter GPs were asked to advise their patients of the long wait-times and to discourage them from contacting the department, as the admin support is limited to four hours a week.

Cllr Declan Meehan, a member of the Regional Health Forum West, says the year long wait is unfair on patients and the staff who are under immense pressure:
