Today marks ‘Make Way Day’ in Donegal

Today marks ‘Make Way Day’ in Donegal.

The initiative looks to raise awareness of barriers in public spaces that can hinder the movement of people with disabilities.

Donegal County Council is working closely with a number of local organisations to promote awareness, including members from the MS Society, the Donegal Centre for Independent Living, the Irish Wheelchair Association, the Independent Living Movement of Ireland and Vision Ireland.

Meanwhile, an Garda Síochána and Donegal County Council’s traffic wardens are also endorsing this campaign, enforcing a zero tolerance approach to motorists who park on footpaths or use designated disabled parking bays without a permit.

The Council say that people with disabilities are the backbone of this campaign and are encouraging everyone to share the experience by posting photos of obstacles to social platforms with #MakeWayDay24.

Typical obstacles include bins, sandwich boards or cars and bicycles parked on footpaths.
