RTE apologises to Donegal filmmaker in High Court

RTE has issued an apology in the High Court to Donegal filmmaker Neasa Ni Cheanain regarding claims made about her film “Fairytale of Katmandu”.
An interview with Mr Paddy Bushe brodcast on Radio Na Gaeltachta in June 2009 cast doubt on the validity of some of the interviews in the film about poet Cathal O’Searcaigh’s relationships in Nepal. It included suggestions that the filmmaker offered payment to one person to make a false statement, and pressurised another to give pre-scripted answers to certain questions.
In the agreed apology published by the High Court this morning, RTE accepts that these suggestions were entirely incorrect and unfair.
Neasa Ni Chianain says when all else failed,  she was left with no choice but top take the legal route…….
