Darrell Quigley (28) of 9, Laurel Avenue in Coleraine faced theft, disorderly and driving charges that occurred in May, June, July and October this year.
The court was told that the disorderly occurred when Quigley was approached by police and he began calling them ‘black b——s’ and other abusive comments.
The court also heard that on October 28 police spotted Quigley driving and stopped him for a document check.
He said he had an insurance policy but subsequent checks revealed that this was not so. He also did not have a driving licence and when he was cautioned about these offences be c]became abusive to police.
Defence barrister Ms Nicki Rountree said her client had been attempting to build a normal family life and had bought the car for this purpose. She said that when confronted by a conflict situation Quigley had ‘a short temper’.
The barrister said the offending was ‘low level’ and reflected Quigley’s inability to ‘manage his behaviour in conflict situations.’
Quigley was sentenced to a total of 8 months in prison.