Have your say on draft Dungloe Regeneration Strategy & Action Plan

Donegal County Council’s Regeneration & Development Team in collaboration with GM Design has announced the opening of public consultation to hear the views of the community on the Draft Dungloe Regeneration Strategy & Action Plan.

The draft plan will be on public display from today Tuesday 5th April until Tuesday 2nd May 2022 and the public are invited to have their say on the project.

The Draft Regeneration Strategy & Action Plan has been prepared by GM Design Associates and builds upon what people said during the earlier stages of consultation and translates the challenges identified and the ideas proposed into an ambitious yet realistic vision.

Jonny Stewart of GM Design Associates said, “The people of Dungloe and surrounding area have already played a key role in how the Draft Strategy & Action Plan has been shaped and developed and we would like to thank all those who have taken part so far. We encourage as many people as possible to give their feedback on the Draft Strategy & Action Plan so that we can continue to ensure that it is suitably tailored to the needs and aspirations of the local community, businesses and residents.”

A drop-in public consultation event will take place on Thursday 14th April from 2.00pm to 7.00pm at the currently vacant Shopping Arcade, Main Street, Dungloe so come along and talk to the consultants and have your say.

Details of this will be available on the project website and facebook and twitter pages and for any enquiries email herefuturedungloe@g-m-design.co.uk
