Donegal County Council staff walk 4,500km in move to Improve challenge

Donegal County Council staff have completed the four-week  “Move to Improve 100km Staff Walking Challenge”

Over the four-week Challenge, twenty-three teams collectively walked approximately 4,500km with staff feedback saying that the fun competitive event created an ideal environment to encourage staff to get out and get moving!

In keeping with Healthy Ireland’s Let’s Get Set campaign, Donegal County Council’s Chief Executive, John G. McLaughlin launched the Move to Improve 100km Staff Walking Challenge in March this year. The Campaign was rolled out over a four-week period, in conjunction with Healthy Donegal and the Staff Health and Wellbeing Office to encourage staff to get more physically active and promote healthy habits.

Mr. McLaughlin said “Donegal County Council is invested in the health and wellbeing of our staff and, as outlined in our Health and Wellbeing Plan, is committed to expanding the range of services and health and wellbeing supports available to staff. One of our key objectives is – “To provide opportunities and pathways for staff to be proactive in managing their physical health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through coordinated programmes”

While the physical and mental health benefits of exercise are widely documented, the social aspect can often be overlooked – team events can help develop social skills, encourage team-building and improve self-esteem.

The winners were announced at a presentation held on Wednesday 5th May with prizes awarded by Donegal County Council Chief Executive, John G McLaughlin, and attended by entrants, staff and Senior Management.
