Letterkenny Milford MD passes 2023 budget

A draft budget of €200,000 has been passed for the Letterkenny Milford Municipal District.

The budget is made up of €20,000 per elected member of the MD from the Development Fund Initiative.

It was proposed by Councillor Donal Coyle and seconded by Councillor Ciaran Brogan.

Donegal County Council’s Head of Finance, Richard Gibson says it is a challenging time for everyone in terms of rising costs.

However, he did say that the local authority will be able to absorb the increases by support from central Government.

The Council will receive a share of €60m to cover energy costs in 2023.

Many Councillors argued that a significant increase in funding for roads and housing is needed.

Councillor Gerry McMonagle says a special case needs to be made for roads funding for the MD:
