Podcast Thursday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon with Greg Hughes – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show providing a forum for listeners to express their concerns on the issues of the day.
Listen back to Thursday’s show…

We kick off with a look at what’s making the headlines in the papers and then preview Rag week, next week, at ATU Letterkenny.  Later John McAteer opines on Bertie Ahearn rejoining Fianna Fail:

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Did you know there’s an active Kurling league in Donegal? We have the details and later we speak to students from Rosses Community School and their project to educate young people about the menstrual cycle:

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In hour three, details on catch up clinics for the HPV vaccine and the uncle of murder victim Andrew Allen appeals for information on the killing 11 years ago. Later we here calls for insurance companies to stop discriminating against cancer survivors:

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