Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show with Greg Hughes is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast bellow!

In hour one, we kick off with a look at what is making the newspaper headlines and then we get an update on Nowdoc services in Donegal. Later we welcome into studio the new President of Letterkenny Chamber Fionnuala Rabbitt:

In hour Two we chat to social media influencer Eric Roberts about his career and new filters on Tiktok which could be putting pressure on young people. Later we talk about community supports that are being put in place for people effected by the Defective Concrete Scandal:

There’s an interest chat about bee keeping, Chris Ashmore is in studio demonstrating the Smovey fitness system and Ciaran O’Donnell joins us with the business news:
