Ambulance service announces measures to enhance service in Donegal

The National Ambulance Service says that initiatives are being introduced in Donegal to improve the service and reduce the amount of time ambulances are waiting outside Letterkenny University Hospital.

A new system which treats people in their own homes rather than bring them to hospital is also being introduced.

In response to Regional Health Forum questions from Cllr Ciaran Brogan, the National Ambulance Service West told him the Buncrana roster has gone from 8 to 12 hrs shifts 7 days per week, , while the Stranorlar roster now operates on a 24/7 basis.

A Hospital Ambulance Liaison Person has been appointed in a bid to reduce ambulance turnaround times, and introduce measures to free up ambulances more quickly.

Meanwhile, the Pathfinder system is being introduced to help keep people out of hospital Emergency Departments by bringing healthcare professionals to treat them in their own homes. That goes live at Letterkenny University Hospital on April 3rd.

Extra staff training has been introduced, and new tactical shift managers have been deployed.

Fleet replacement has also been taking place ; since 2020, two replacement Intermediate Care Vehicles, three replacement Response Vehicles and two lorries have been required for the service in Donegal, as has a Pathfinder vehicle.

The Letterkenny ambulance base has been retrofitted, and new bases in Donegal Town and Stranorlar are now fully operational.

Cllr Brogan says the improvements are to be welcomed…………..


HSE Answer in full –

National Ambulance Service West have faced significant challenges since 2020. With COVID 19, we had to find ways
to deal with service demands while striving to keep patients and staff as safe as possible and try to maintain the
level of service during COVID staff absences. The National Ambulance Service has been at the forefront of the
response to the pandemic 2020. The surging infection rates over this winter assures that COVID-19 is still a threat
especially to those with other serious underlying medical conditions and the elderly.

The National Ambulance Service (NAS) developed a 7-day community testing service in conjunction with CHO1,
which commenced in March 2020. The NAS plays an ongoing key role in swabbing. It also played a vital role in the
rollout of the vaccination programme both as vaccinators and in the establishment of temporary vaccine clinics.
 Expansion of Buncrana roster from 8 to 12 hrs shifts 7 days per week. Currently operating 10am-10pm
previously operating 10am-7pm
 Expansion of Stranorlar roster to now operate 24/7. This encompasses the inclusion on a night crew 7 days
per week.
 Introduction of emerging threat team operating 7 days a week and now responsible for all Covid
 Introduction of Hospital Ambulance Liaison Person in order to safeguard response capacity by reducing
ambulance turnaround times and initiate measures to free up ambulances quicker.
 Change over from a pilot project to inclusion in everyday operations of the Community Paramedic
 Introduction of the Pathfinder system to enhance hospital avoidance measures. (go live 3rd April 2023)
 Introduction of and training staff on new Clinical practice guidelines which enhances advance life support
and hospital avoidance measures.
 Introduction of 24/7 tactical shift manager to provide governance additional governance inside of normal
operating hours and governance outside of these hours.
 Additional 12 Paramedics utilised for the backfill of operational shifts due to Annual leave, Sick leave etc.
etc and 2 Community Paramedics.
 Fleet replacement of 12 Emergency Ambulances to keep in line with National Ambulance Service fleet
replacement programme. Further investment in fleet since 2020 is detailed below:
o 2 x Replacement Intermediate Care Vehicles
o 3 x Replacement Response Vehicles
o 2 x Lorries for transportation of Major Emergency Equipment supporting front line service
o 1 Pathfinder vehicle
 Retrofit of Letterkenny ambulance base and introduction of an additional 5 ambulance parking spaces.
 New base built in Donegal Town and Stranorlar which are now fully operational.
 NAS management restructure re-alignment with Slaintecare, Regional Health Area F.
