MacLochlainn urges O’Brien to change his position on firefighter dispute

Retained firefighters walked out of the Dail’s public gallery last night during Minister Darragh O’Brien’s contribution to a debate on a private members motion moved by Sinn Fein seeking a resolution to their industrial dispute over pay and conditions.

Minister O’Brien said a separate arrangements cannot be made outside the overall agreement on public sector pay, as to do so would be a breach of that deal.

However, Sinn Fein said you cannot claim firefighters are on a par with other public servants when they are on call 24/7 for a retainer payment of 99 cent an hour.

Donegal Deputy Padraig MacLochlainn urged him to change his position…………….

Pic – Councillors Donal Coyle, Donal Mandy Kelly (outgoing Letterkenny Milford Mayor), Kevin Bradley (incoming Mayor), Ciaran Brogan and Pauric McGarvey speaking to picketing firefighters outside Letterkenny Public Services Centre.
