Ebrington concerts in jeopardy due to possible legal action

Four concerts planned for Derry’s Ebrington Square have been thrown into jeopardy after permission was withdrawn by a Stormont department due to possible legal action.

The NI Executive Office says the previous approval granted for the events planned for August was withdrawn as it “faces a threat of legal action” by a third party if they go ahead.

It is understood the objector is a tenant in Ebrington Square.

Foyle MLA Gary Middleton, speaking on today’s Nine til Noon Show says the concerns raised centre around the period of notice given for the concerts:

Statement Released by Ebrington Hotel:

Statement issued in response to claims by a number of entertainment promoters that events at Ebrington Square planned for August this year have been cancelled due to objections by the
newly opened Ebrington Hotel.

“Licences for use of Ebrington Square were issued, without notice, to entertainment promoters by the owners of the site, The Executive Office.
“The Ebrington Hotel understood that The Executive Office had a duty to consult with them in advance of any decision around the awarding of such licences. This did not happen in
relation to the August events.
“The Hotel is committed to ensuring these events are successful and to add to the local tourist offering while managing its other commitments, for example wedding bookings at the Hotel.
“An offer to the promoters from The Executive Office to accommodate the events at St. Columb’s Park followed the failure to consult and recognise the Hotel’s position.
“The Directors of Ebrington Hotel appreciate the challenges faced by The Executive Office and in an effort to find a resolution, on Monday this week indicated that they are content for the August events go ahead subject to agreement of conditions with The Executive Office and the Council.”
