The Nine ’til Noon Show – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues:
Listen back to Monday’s show:
Greg kicks the show off with a look at the papers and then we hear a listener’s experience of LUH’s emergency department – her husband has cancer and was told he’d be waiting hours for treatment, despite being in extreme pain. Later ATU students are warned of the consequences of becoming ‘Money Mules’:
Audio PlayerMore parents express their frustration and sadness in trying to get access to Children’s Disability Services for their children. Later we hear how you could get hiring interest rates on your savings by banking elsewhere:
Audio PlayerWe preview the DLDebate pod with Brenden Devenney and later our ‘Monday Focus’ is on palliative care:
Audio Player