Ours To Protect – The Sustainability Passport – Myra McAuliffe 24/10/23

Highland Radio are delighted to partner with Coimisiún na Meán in launching a new series dealing with various topics on sustainability.

Donna-Marie Doherty of Highland Radio will have a weekly feature on Tuesdays at 12:30 covering a real mix of different topics and interviews with businesses and experts who have a common interest on expertise in sustainability.

Coimisiún na Meán stated; ‘”Ours to Protect”, is a unique and exciting audio project – a collaboration of local and regional broadcasters from across the country who have come together to tackle climate change, champion climate action, and inform and educate audiences all over Ireland about how they can make a difference.’

This week Highland Radio spoke to Myra McAuliffe on Change Makers Donegal about their Sustainability Passport:

Tip Sheet: 

Did you know?

  1. Change Makers work hard to raise awareness of local and global development issues with adults across County Donegal.
  2. They have recently launched their Sustainability Passport initiative.
  3. You can collect five sustainability passports in total under the 5 routes! Water & Energy, Reuse & Recycle, Responsible Consumption, Biodiversity & Gardening and Equality & Inclusion 
  4. Its open to everyone – Individuals, Businesses, Social Enterprises and Community Groups
  5. You can register for yours here  > https://changemakers.ie/sp/ 

Why is it so important?

If everyone worked to getting a sustainability passport, progress would be made towards the United Nations’s Sustainable Development Goals. https://changemakers.ie/new-sdg/

The Sustainability Passport is a great first step to making small changes that can make a difference.

Here are some ways you can get started on route 1, Water & Energy:

       Follow the Water Saving Guide by Uise Eireann 

       Get the whole family involved and teach children about water conservation from a young age > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTcFXJT0Fsc 

       Take part in local projects and learn on the ground in your area > https://inishowenriverstrust.com/# 


Businesses can also become entitled to grants when they strive to make a difference in the environment > https://www.seai.ie/business-and-public-sector/ 

Listen back to our episode with Eddie Bradley to learn more about running businesses in a sustainable way and the perks it involves. > https://highlandradio.com/2023/10/04/ours-to-protect-esg-with-eddie-bradley-03-10-2023/

Listen back to past episodes
Ours to Protect Survey

Ecological Footprint Calculator
