DCC seeking proposals for new turnkey developments

Donegal County Council is seeking proposals from Developers to deliver turnkey units to help meet the Council’s social housing need.

The council is inviting interested parties, including landowners and developers and others to a series of upcoming information clinics.

Individual meetings can also be facilitated by e-mailing housingcapital@donegalcoco.ie        




Release in full –

Drop-in Clinics for interested parties of the turnkey acquisition process

Donegal County Council has launched a new turnkey acquisition process (eTenders reference RFT 2461070) seeking proposals from Developers to deliver turnkey social housing units to help meet the Council’s social housing need. 

Donegal County Council invites interested parties to upcoming information clinics.  These are drop-in clinics which will inform interested parties including landowners, developers and designers of the requirements of the turnkey acquisition process.  Donegal County Council staff will be in attendance to provide advice and guidance on all aspects of the process. 

As part of these clinics, individual meetings are also being facilitated.  These must be arranged in advance by contacting housingcapital@donegalcoco.ie


Schedule of Information/Drop In Events:


Date Time Location
7th February 2024 1pm – 4pm Letterkenny PSC F92 TNY3
8th February 2024 1pm – 4pm Carndonagh PSC F93 YV1N
12th February 2024 1pm – 4pm Donegal Town PSC F94 DK6C
14th February 2024 1pm – 4pm Dungloe PSC F94 H4CF
16th February 2024 9.30am – 12pm The BASE Enterprise Centre, Stranorlar, F93A0E4
16th February 2024 2pm – 5pm County House, Lifford F93 Y622