Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show  is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast below!

In this hour we hear from the European Movement Ireland which is encouraging people to exercise their vote in the upcoming EU elections and later listeners react to a number of politicians, who campaigned Yes/Yes for last week’s referendums revealing they voted No/No. We will also hear of a course for women looking to get into the construction industry:

We learn more about Breast Cancer NW which is one of Highland Radio’s Chosen charities for our Birthday fundraising day on Friday. We hear of a St Patrick’s Day event in Letterkenny for young people that offers a safe, drug and alcohol free environment. Later Seamus thanks medical staff at LUH following a recent experience:

Following our earlier feature, Dearbhla Walsh talks of her positive experience working in construction, ‘Wellness Wednesday’ focuses on Vaginismus, Chris is in with business, the IFA appeals to dog owners during lambing season and Danielle McLaughlin’s mother discusses her hope of attending the trial of the man charged with her daughter’s murder:


