Aer Lingus pilots reaffirm industrial action decision

Pilots in Aer Lingus have once again voted overwhelmingly for industrial action up to and including strike action in a dispute over pay.

Members of the IALPA union voted 99 per cent in favour in a second ballot.

The union says the result is an incredible re-affirmation of the mandate for industrial action.

A second paper ballot was held after the airline expressed concerns over the first one, which was conducted electronically last week.

IALPA says that has only served to further antagonise pilots in this pay dispute. It also says its rule book allows for electronic ballots and claims the concerns Aer Lingus raised were unfounded.

The union is holding out for an increase in the region of 24 percent, having rejected Labour Court recommendations of over 9 percent.

Its not clear yet what kind of industrial action may come of this, but the union says its engaging with colleagues to determine the next steps.
