Podcast Thursday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon is broadcast live weekdays from 9am to 12noon. Here you can listen back to a Podcast of Thursday’s show:

Listeners in the Finn Valley area appeal to Bus Eireann to listen to their school transport concerns and we discuss demolition and rebuilding of an apartment block in Letterkenny effected by defective concrete materials:

A listener believes Letterkenny should be more visual in its support of Olympian Mark English and Sinn Fein Eoin Ó Broin discusses his party’s recently launched Affordable Homes Plan:

Your Voice Your Community features  musician Krystyna Khorina who performs live, The Donegal Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre emphasises the importance of consent and Derry Cllr Shaun Harkin discusses recent anti immigration protests in NI:
