Donegal schools named in Scoping Inquiry report of historic sexual abuse at religious schools

Two Donegal schools have been named in a scoping inquiry report into reported historic sexual abuse at religious schools.

Victims’ groups are calling for a redress scheme to be set up for the survivors.

It included over 2,400 allegations, involving 884 alleged abusers, at over 300 schools.

St. Louis Girls Convent NS in Bundoran and  De La Salle Secondary School in Ballyshannon were both named by one respondent each.

Meanwhile, Scoil Cholmcille in Letterkenny was also featured in an appendix of figures supplied to the Scoping Enquiry from the religious orders of previous allegations.

It notes three allegations and two abusers.

A Commission of Investigation has been announced, but a redress scheme recommended in the report has not been decided upon.

Co-founder of victims’ advocacy group Restore Together, Phillip Feddis says it would be a recognition of the harm caused:

The appendices can be found HERE.

Links to all report parts can be found HERE.
