New vet medicine course announced for ATU

It’s been confirmed this morning that Atlantic Technological University has been successful in its bid for a new vet school.

It was revealed on Highland Radio last week, that the ATU was the preferred bidder, after University of Limerick withdrew its bid.

The new dual-campus Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Bachelor program will be primarily based at ATU Donegal, while students will spend two semesters at ATU Galway’s Mountbellow. The first intake of students is expected in 2025.

The announcement is expected to be formally made by Government today at the National Ploughing Championship.

The program is being rolled out at the South East Technological University also.

Kevin McConnell, Deputy President of the Veterinary Council of Ireland, says these courses are needed as demand increases:


The announcement has been widely welcomed locally.

Fine Gael general election candidate, John McNulty hopes it will address the shortage of vets:

