Meeting to get underway this evening in relation to Donegal Education Centre

The Save Donegal Education Centre Committee is holding a meeting this evening.

The committee asserts that adequate consultation was not carried out with relevant parties, specifically the centre’s staff, regarding the move, which has been strongly rejected by the management committee.

They also argue that the planned relocation of the education centre from Donegal Town to Letterkenny will negatively impact the town’s prosperity.

Senator Nessa Cosgrove raised the issue in the Seanad yesterday.

Senator Cosgrove reports that Forsa, who are now involved, are demanding evidence of the consultation:

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Minister of State at the Department of Further and Higher Education, Marian Harkin responded:

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The meeting is due to get underway at 8pm in the Abbey Hotel in Donegal Town.

The full exchange can be found here:

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