Gardaí domestic abuse response sees high dissatisfaction

Almost half of people who reported domestic abuse to the Gardaí were dissatisfied with how it was dealt with.

The figure increased to 54% when it came to people who reported in-person at a garda station.

That’s according to a report into the handling by the gardaí of domestic abuse.

The inspectorate found that the Garda Síochána is committed to supporting and protecting victims of domestic abuse with many of its personnel delivering a high quality service, but this was not consistent across the organisation.

It found they did not have an organisational strategy to tackle domestic abuse. It’s domestic abuse intervention policy was found to be outdated and it made limited use of available data to inform its approach.

The Inspectorate recommends that the Garda Síochána improve its service to victims; develop more effective multi-agency working arrangements; be more proactive in disrupting and managing offenders and put in place a dedicated garda domestic abuse strategy.
